quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011

Le Corbusier - Unité d'Habitation Marseille

Documentário sobre a Unité d'Habitation de LeCorbusier em Marselha

Comando Actualidad - ¿Quién vive ahí? - TVE

Documentário sobre habitação plurifamiliar em Madrid.


segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

Gabinetes de arquitectura

Adrian Streich http://www.adrianstreich.ch
AGPS http://www.agps.ch/
Aranguren Gallegos http://www.arangurengallegos.com/
Arons en Gelauff architecten http://www.aronsengelauff.nl/
Atelier Kempe Thill http://www.atelierkempethill.com
Bevk Perovic arhitekti http://www.bevkperovic.com
BIG architects http://www.big.dk/
Carlos Ferrater http://www.ferrater.com/
Covas Hunkeler Wyss http://www.chw-arch.ch/
de architekten cie http://www.cie.nl
De Lapuerta http://www.delapuerta.com
Domus Architekter http://www.domus.dk
EM2N http://www.em2n.ch
Esch architekten http://www.eschsintzel.ch/
Francis Soler http://www.soler.fr/
Galli & Rudolf http://www.galli-rudolf.ch
Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler http://www.geiswinkler-geiswinkler.at/
Gerner Gerner plus architekt http://www.gernergernerplus.com/
Gert Wingardh http://www.wingardhs.se/php/flash.html
Gigon Guyer http://www.gigon-guyer.ch
Gmur & Steib http://www.steibgeschwentner.ch/
Graber Pulver http://www.graberpulver.ch/
Gunter Pfeifer http://www.guenterpfeifer.de
Helmut Wimmer http://wimmerundpartner.com
Herman Hertzberger http://www.ahh.nl/
Lacaton & Vassal http://www.lacatonvassal.com/
LEVS http://www.levs.nl
Loos architects http://www.loosarchitects.nl/
Mateo  http://www.mateo-maparchitect.com
Mecanoo http://www.mecanoo.nl
Miller & Maranta  http://www.millermaranta.ch/
Morger Degelo http://www.degelo.net/
MVRDV http://www.mvrdv.nl
Peter Barber architects http://www.peterbarberarchitects.com
Philippe Gazeau http://www.philippegazeau.com
Pool architekten http://www.poolarch.ch
Pool architektur http://pool-arch.at/de/
Promontorio http://www.promontorio.net
Rigert + Bisang http://www.rigert-bisang.ch/
Sergison Bates http://www.sergisonbates.co.uk/
Stefan Foster http://www.stefan-forster-architekten.de/
Zita Cotti http://www.cottiarch.ch/

Estatísticas sobre habitação em Portugal

Alguns números:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística: http://www.ine.pt

Estatísticas da Construção e Habitação - 2010 : http://www.ine.pt/xportal/xmain?xpid=INE&xpgid=ine_publicacoes&PUBLICACOESpub_boui=123674274&PUBLICACOESmodo=2

Atelier 5 - Bairro Halen

 Site do bairro Halen - Berna, projecto do Atelie 5 construído entre 1958 e 1962.


Site do Atelier 5: http://www.atelier5.ch



Design for Homes champions the value of good design in the housing industry. We are a not-for-profit limited company advised by a cross-industry Board of Directors. We incorporate the Design for Homes Architects Group which is RIBA's linked society for architects in housing and The Friends of Design for Homes.


Guias de arquitectura - Portugal



Housing Models: Experimentation and Everyday Life

Experiments in the realm of housing actually enjoying success or not is something decided by everyday life, which does not begin until the first residents have moved in. The innovative aspirations of the architects—and this is the point of departure for the explorative questions posited by the Housing Models exhibition—cannot be the sole determining factor for overall quality. For this reason, each of the eleven selected international housing structures must have been inhabited for at least two years, so that marks of usage and appropriation are already evident. We asked the residents to take stock of their lives in the constructed experiments: the images for the slide projections were taken by the inhabitants themselves, and the explanatory statements have been excerpted from related conversations.

The selection of projects from various continents facilitates insight into specific cultural and social conditions pertaining to experimentation in housing.  It spans from a Chilean development in impoverished Iquique to Dutch low-cost terraced housing in Roosendaal, to even include a Japanese housing project in Tokyo where residents have opted to live in white steel cuboids that they must exit in order to enter the bathroom. Models specially crafted for the exhibition by students from the Vienna University of Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna put the various spatial programs on display.

Thus eleven test beds were created where housing architecture was subjected to an everyday-life assessment. Architectural experimentation meets lived-in everyday life.


Copenhagen X

Copenhagen X is a project of the Danish Architecture Centre funded by a partnership between Realdania, Frederiksberg Municipalityand the City of Copenhagen.



On BuildingButler you find more than 30.000 exterior images of recent European buildings. You can use them in presentations or brochures, or just explore the database to find new solutions for facade design.


Casa collage

Este libro presenta un conjunto de observaciones alrededor de la casa. Se propone aquí una forma indirecta de abordar el tema doméstico, no a través de la historia de la casa, de su clasificación tipológica, o de sus hitos, sino desde todo aquello que guarda relación con sus usos. Casa Collage pretende ser una guía para hacer viviendas, que no para construirlas. El libro va dirigido ya no tan sólo a profesionales o estudiantes de arquitectura, sino que pretende contribuir a formar una opinión sobre la casa a aquellos que la habitan.

Cota biblioteca FAUP: A.36.40

New Forms of Collective Housign in Europe

Livro da Birkhauser sobre habitação colectiva.
Cota biblioteca FAUP: A.36.80

Typology +

Livro da Birkhauser sobre habitação colectiva.
Cota biblioteca FAUP: A.36.73

Guia de arquitectura na Holanda
